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Book An Appointment
Due to the shear number of players that Pressing Matters must shoot during a tournament weekend, it is at times difficult to capture numerous high quality action photos of each child.  For this reason, we gladly offer a program which allows customers the ability to schedule a photo appointment in order to ensure our professional photographers focus on their player of choice. 

As seen below, our photographer was able to concentrate on a particular participant at a previous event and was able to better capture the action surrounding the player.  We thus enabled our customer to choose from an assortment of amazing action photos and helped preserve the memories of their child's experience.

Team Appointments
With the high demand of personal individual appointments, we have decided to offer a team appointment package as well.  Pressing Matters will come shoot your entire team at a particular event or game and use the files to create the products of your choice.  Many have used this as a tool for individual and team posters or slide show presentations which are great for end of the year parties.  It is a very feasible way to get the numerous high quality photos.


Appointment Pricing

  • $30 per player (minimum of 4 players)
    • Each player will receive 10 photos of their choice on a CD.
    • Use the photos taken at your personal appointment to create any of our additional products.
If you would like to book an appointment with us for an upcoming event, please email Greg Allen at greg@pmatters.comWe will require a prepaid deposit.